GPEN 2024 Accomodation

We are pleased to announce that our official conference hotel will be Scandic Falkoner in Copenhagen. GPEN has negotiated a special rate at the Scandic Falkoner Hotel, which is conveniently located on the M1/M2/M3 Metro lines for easy travel across the whole city (including the conference venue).
Address: Scandic Falkoner, Falkoner Alle 9, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
We have guaranteed room availability for single (reserved for Faculty representatives) and double rooms (reserved for graduate students and postdocs). Rooms will be directly paid for by GPEN but you may still need a credit card for incidentals.  We encourage all participants of GPEN to use the GPEN booking code for the Scandic Falkoner Hotel. The booking code is BOOK130724 (breakfast is only included when registering via the booking code).
The booking code is valid between July 14-17, 2024, and for participants travelling from outside Europe we have ensured some rooms from July 13-17, 2024.
You can find the hotel booking here (Please change the booking to suit individual requirements). Sponsored faculty members can start booking rooms immediately, while sponsored students should wait for room-pairing information (before March 15, 2024).
Please note that guaranteed room availability is only ensured for booking registered before April 5th, 2024. We kindly ask you to book your hotel rooms before this date.

Sponsoring rules

Faculty members/representatives

·      GPEN will sponsor the price of a single room. (564 USD for three nights, or 797 USD for four nights)

PhD students and postdocs

GPEN will sponsor PhD students and postdocs at a level corresponding to sharing a double room. (327 USD for three nights, or 459 USD for four nights)

·       GPEN will pair participants in twos based on sex and university or personal wishes for room-sharing.

·       Information on room-pairing will be sent out continuously until the registration deadline.

Room-sharing for sponsored students and postdocs

·       You will receive an email about room-pairing.

·       Agreement on the dates is essential.

·       Only one student/postdoc should book a shared room

·       GPEN will cover the payment directly to the hotel.

If you are a sponsored participant bringing a guest or a sponsored student not wishing to share a room with another student, then you are required to pay the hotel yourself and get reimbursed for your part by GPEN afterwards.