Full Member Institutions that have participated in two of the last three GPEN meetings by sending at least one faculty member and two predoctoral and/or postdoctoral students will be “full members” of GPEN
Associate Member Institutions that have participated in one of the last three GPEN meetings with at least one faculty member and one predoctoral and/or postdoctoral students will be “associate members” in GPEN.
Invited Participants The GPEN Executive Committee (EC) will recommend to the Board of Directors of GPEN, Inc. up to five new institutions to be invited to each GPEN meeting.
Exceptions The GPEN-EC may choose on occasion to make exceptions to the membership rules outlined above.
Modifications of these Operational Guidelines will be recommended by the GPEN-EC to representatives of the “full member” institutions and passage of changes in the organization’s Operational Guidelines will require a 2/3 vote of the “full member” institutions.
Modified by the GPEN-EC and Full Members on 11/10/22.